The Three Kings

Legend or reality?

The Magi must be annoyed by the competition of Santa Claus. The Magi are not a commercial invention. They are mentioned in the gospels. And if they existed, who were they? Where did they come from? What was their rank? Did they practice magic or astronomy? What kind of star did they follow? What did they know about the baby at Bethlehem? What was the meaning of the gold, frankincense and myrrh? Were their remains really buried in Cologne Cathedral?

Prestigious experts answer these questions. An astrophysicist explains what could have been the star of Bethlehem. The program also shows the traditions of crib scenes, parades and presents for children. It finishes by contrasting these traditions with the commercial trends which have brought us Santa Claus.

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Produced by: Goya Producciones
Original title: Los Reyes Magos: ¿Leyenda o realidad?
Duration: 45 min.
Languages: Spanish / German / Polish
Year: 2009