29 Oct A movie helps to understand the new encyclical
“An Ardent Heart,” in line with “Dilexit Nos” by Pope Francis
The new encyclical by Pope Francis, Dilexit Nos on the love of the heart of Christ, published on Thursday, October 24, essentially aligns with the message of the documentary film An Ardent Heart, premiered in 2020, said Andrés Garrigó, director of Goya Producciones, today.
“Of course, the encyclical is much deeper and more theological, but it shares with the film the urgency to make known that human and divine Heart that loves us unconditionally and only asks for our love in return,” noted the film’s producer.
The film recreates the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque in Paray-le-Monial in the 17th century and showcases the impressive spread of that devotion throughout the Catholic world. The documentary part is interspersed with moving testimonies of miracles obtained through its intercession.
“The Sacred Heart of Jesus became enthroned in millions of homes in many countries, but it declined in the second half of the last century. Therefore,” Garrigó concludes, “this encyclical is so necessary and timely today to revive that devotion of comfort that repairs evil and sin, as the Pope says.”
The film, starring popular Mexican actress Karyme Lozano and Spanish writer María Vallejo-Nájera, has been screened since February 2020 in cinemas across Europe, the United States, and Latin America (in a total of more than 22 countries). In most of them, it ranked in the TOP 10 highest-grossing films.
An Ardent Heart is available in both digital format and DVD in seven languages (Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, and Polish). You can find out how to obtain it at anardentheartfilm.goyaproducciones.com